Call Us: (972) 441-6211

Address: 1114 Hart St, Wilmer, TX 75172

Meet Pastor & Lady Perkins

Example Leaders, Available Vessels, Obedient Servants

Ray Perkins is the Pastor of the Full Gospel Church. He carries a powerful mandate of God for this 21st Century to boldly win souls for Christ. He is truly a man after God’s own heart.

Pastor Perkins began fulfilling his call into the Ministry in 1977. Leading by example, he often placed himself before God as an available Vessel and obedient Servant to his Leaders.

Pastor Perkins served well and faithful under the leadership of Apostle Grady L. Jackson, serving in multiple capacities of the ministry, including as the Assistant Pastor for 31 years.

Following the passing of his legendary and spiritual father, the late Apostle Grady Jackson, founder of the FGHC, minister Perkins was appointed to serve as the Pastor of the Full Gospel Church in 2010. He has a loving and deep compassion for people and continues to support Outreach ministries with feeding the hungry, strengthening families, as well as other important issues affecting our Communities.

God has given our Pastor the unique ability to understand and to clearly explain the Scriptures. He exemplifies a possession of patience, wisdom and discernment into life and its struggles.

He has proven to be an exceptional Pastor and Leader of men, charged, and commissioned to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ with simplicity.

Pastor Perkins is a native of Dallas, Texas. He is married to First Lady Barbara Perkins and they are the proud parents of 3 daughters.

Barbara Perkins is a quiet storm; a woman of grace and great strength who fears God and loves his people.

She serves alongside her husband, Pastor Perkins helping everyone discover their healthy purpose and reaching their highest potential in Christ.

Lady Perkins is a native of Dallas, Texas. She is the mother of three daughters.

Pastor & Lady Perkins want you to know that the Full Gospel Church
is for all people and we genuinely believe that you come as a visitor,
but you leave as family.

We pray that just your visit to this site will be a blessing to you today!


We Invite You To Come And Help Us Discover Life’s Journey With Jesus!

1114 Hart Street | Wilmer, TX 75172

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Full Gospel Holiness Church