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Address: 1114 Hart St, Wilmer, TX 75172

Apostle & Overseer Jackson

Our Founders

Apostle Grady L. Jackson served the Full Gospel Holiness Church faithfully as a leader for over 42 years. He believed in truth and told things as he saw them. He loved God and the members of this church and expressed that love through service to all the members. He treated everyone the same.

He was strong in character and forgiving in heart. He worked hard and gave much to the building up of and success of this church. He stood firm through the good times and bad. He gave respect to his members and fellow colleagues in ministry; and commanded respect from them in return. Even when you didn’t agree with him you knew he believed that he was doing the best for his church. He gave us inspiration in the times of despair, comfort in the times of sorrow, direction in the times of confusion. He was uncomplaining in the performance of his duties.

Yes, it is true! God has allowed us by His grace and mercy to go forth remembering the old landmark through good and bad times. This year we are especially thankful to God that our good times outnumbered our bad times.

Providence, as our forefathers refused to move the old landmarks of not only property boundaries, but the old landmark of moral living; the old landmark of loving and respecting each other; and above all, the old landmark of loving and obeying the word of God. We shall go forth as we celebrate these forty-eight years remembering the old landmark of our Founders; Apostle Grady Lee Jackson and Mother Rita Mae Jackson, so we can continue to give God the praise as our forefathers have done.

Mother Rita Jackson was born February 3, 1940 in Dallas, Texas, to the late Rev. Lemuel Crosby and Rita Mae Crosby-Jones.

During her lifetime, she has experienced segregation firsthand. She has witnessed many injustices and wrong prejudices. Jim Crow laws were in effect and enforced. One in particular were restaurants and water fountains marked for colored only and remembers from whence she came.

September 16, 1956, she marries the love of her life, Grady L. Jackson. To this union nine healthy children was born. She has 19 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.

Mother Rita Jackson along with her husband, the late Apostle G. L. Jackson, founded this Church in 1968. Some years later their dream was fulfilled that the Full Gospel Holiness Churches would become an Incorporated entity.

She started the first family Church choir, known as the 5 Jacksons. She is a businesswomen and employer. She has written and directed many songs for her family and Church friends. Her radiance, wisdom and gracefulness bring her to the leading role of President of the Women’s Fellowship. Her heart of passion is to see God’s people living out their creative purpose and live a winning lifestyle. Her excellent service continues as she fulfills the call of God on her life. She loves to sing praises to her GOD. Her personal ministry is that of spiritual encouragement, direction, and enlightenment to the body of Christ.

Mother Rita Jackson, a woman of impeccable integrity. She is one of God's anointed messengers with a message of inspiration, hope and deliverance. Her message taps deep into the inner sanctum of the soul. Endowed with a ministry of compassion, her calling extends beyond the podium and the pulpit. She is noted for her sensitivity to the sick, shut-in, homeless and underprivileged persons.

She continues to be an incredible testimony of the dynamic, redeeming and keeping work of Jesus Christ. Her witness and testimony message are of God’s provision and is echoed wherever she travels. Mother Jackson demonstrates loving support and is a faithful and diligent Servant.

Providence, as our forefathers refused to move the old landmarks of not only property boundaries, but the old landmark of moral living; the old landmark of loving and respecting each other; and above all, the old landmark of loving and obeying the word of God.

. . . give God the praise as our forefathers have done.


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1114 Hart Street | Wilmer, TX 75172

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Full Gospel Holiness Church